If you’re as busy as most people are nowadays, you probably don’t have time to spend hours researching the home loan market for different mortgage options and interest rates. You may have been thinking about your mortgage for a long time now wondering if your mortgage is still as competitive as it once was.

Here at Mortgage Broker Coffs Harbour, we deal with mortgages all day everyday and we know whats available on the market at any given time. This puts us in a perfect position to carry out a mortgage comparison for our clients.

If you’ve been thinking about looking at your options and carrying some mortgage comparison analysis, give us a call and we’ll be happy to help you. In fact, if you provide us with some simple information about your existing loan, we maybe able to give you a brief mortgage comparison over the phone and determine if it is worthwhile pursuing a better deal. However, for a fuller in-depth analysis we may need a day or two.

With the current official cash rate being so low (at time of writing, the RBA had just met and decided to keep the cash rate steady at 1.75% – here’s the official media release), the time to compare the market has never been better (and also the time to get into the property market has never been better). Most lenders are currently offering very competitive mortgage products to win your business, especially the larger lenders.

No matter how long you have had your mortgage, be it for 1-2 years or more, we encourage you to use our services to obtain a better deal on your home loan – chances are we will better your existing deal significantly. If its the interest rate you’re looking to better, or if you’re looking for more features in a mortgage, there are plenty of options out there and in most cases we can get a great deal on products with plenty of features and low or reasonable interest rates.

We don’t just deal with residential home loans, we are happy to assist you in comparing the market in all types of loans including commercial loans, investment loans, construction loans and many more.